Creating a system that will let users see the list of all organizations in their city with ratings and reviews left by other visitors to any service they face (shop, restaurant, hotel, etc.)
Mnenie.by is an app that has a most extended list of organizations (bar, restaurant, cafe, shop, sports club, repair service, etc) in the user’s location. Leaving feedback, a user writes a text review and also fills a form that is specific for each organization type. For example, if a user wants to leave a review on restaurant service, he/she writes text and puts their rating from 1 to 10 on staff work (hospitality, waiter service, and staff tidiness, responsiveness, smilingness), service (general rate of service, menu feed rate, order feed rate), menu (food quality, quality of the main menu dishes, variety of dishes, menu readability), atmosphere and sanitation (cleanliness of cutlery and plates, cleanliness of bathroom), music and acoustics (acoustic, live music, background music), value for money, parking (number of places, parking cost, parking convenience). A similar review structure (but specific for each sphere) is possible to leave on any other type of service. Users also provide information about the date and time of service they have faced. A manager from the organization can read reviews and check what specialists worked this day and time.
Provides the functionality for an organization to add new places, update its profile, check new reviews, attach photos made within the app, etc. Also, the application lets users attach photos made within the app, add all the data required, leave reviews, and see true ranks of places rated by real people.